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A List of the Rectors of the Parish,


®lj£ ^onumtntal Insmptions in tlj^ Cljurtlr antr Cljurcljjarit.




Fi/(y Copies only Printed^ of which this is No._J^J__\ S I GN ED . . i^I^ (TV^a^:!^^,

BRIGHTON : Printed by J. G. Bishop, "Herald" OfricE.





Prefatory Notes - v. vi.

List of Rectors - - - - - - vii. xvi.

Registers of Baptisms ----- i 85

" Marriages ... - 86 108

" Banns ----- 108 11 1

" Burials - - - - - 112 155

Notes of Church Repair

(2nd Register Book) - - . - 156—158

Appendix Monumental Inscriptions - - 159 170

Index of Baptisms 171 178

" Marriages . . - . - 179 183

" Banns - - - . - . . 183—184

" Burials 185 189





This Volume somewhat exceeds the size originally intended. After transcribing the Registers of the Parish, it seemed to me that the Registers of Burial might with advantage be supplemented by the Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard. Meanwhile, having drawn out a list of the Rectors of Kingston, I thought that this also would find an appropriate place in a collection of such Parish records.

The Registers of the two earliest books here printed have been copied verbatim. The first book, 1558-1745, consists of 50 leaves of parchment, about r5in. by 6in. The second book, 1745-1812 (Marriages, 1745-53), similar in size, though but half filled, is bound in leather and stamped on the cover with the lettering "The Register Book of Kingstone, 1744. Peter Innes, Rector; Ralph Dilnot, Churchwarden."

By the kind courtesy of the Deputy Diocesan Registrar, Mr. Allen Fielding, I have been able to compare the Registers with the Transcripts in the Diocesan Registry. (See foot-note on page 4).

The List of Rectors has been compiled chiefly from the Institutions in the Registers of the Archbishops at Lambeth, by means of Ducarel's Index. Such biographical notices have been added as I have been able to collect from various sources. In this portion of the work I must express my thanks to Mr. Kershaw, the Librarian of Lambeth Library, for kind assistance, also to Dr. Sheppard, of Canterbury, in my reference to the MSS. in the Chapter Library.

In the Appendix my special thanks are due to Mr. R. Hovenden, who at my request has most kindly been entirely responsible for the Notes at the foot of the Inscriptions, giving


the heraldic description of the Arms, &c., where such occur on the Monuments.

It only remains for me just to refer to the etymology of " Kingston." From the form in which it appears in the majority of the earlier Institutions, I have been led to the conclusion that its derivation is King's /^//, not King's stotie^ and that the final e with which it is now commonly spelt is a corruption of later times. In a manuscript in the Bodleian Library (Steel Collection, Gough MS. 26, f. 5), among some similar notes professing to give the etymologies of Kentish names, is the following, " Kyngham- ford W now called Kingston, near Berhamdown, that belonged to the King, and all about it to the Archbishop and Church," referring probably to the adjoining parish of Bishopsbourne. The Manor of Kingston was held in chief of the King from the time of William the Conqueror downwards. (2)

C. H. W.

Kingston Rectory, Canterbury, September, 1893.

(1) The name of the Hundred in which Kingston is situated, which was originally called the " Hundred of Berham." From this it seems that the Hundred of Kynghamford takes its name from this parish.

(2) See Hasted (III. 748) in his account of this Parish. He gives the name without the final e.


1279. Maurice de D<3:lbanergh/i)

5 Non. Julil. A.D. 1279 apud Lyminge, dns. Mauricius de Dalbanergh, Presb. insti tutus fait in Eccl. de Kyiigeston juxtaCant. adprsesent. dni. Alexaudri de Balioll, <fcc. Peckham, f. 10 a, 48 a.

1291. John de Wattone.

15 Kal. April. A.D. 1291, Institutus fuit Johes. Wattone clericus ad Eccl. de Kyngeston, &c. Peckham f. 41 a.

John de Wattone was ordained subdeacon with title to the Church of Kingston, in South Mallyng Chapel, the 1st Sunday in Lent 1290-1 and priest the following year by the Bp. of Hereford in Wye Church. (Abp. Peckhara's Register, Rolls Series.)

1313. William Seward.(2)

23d. Nov. A.D. 1313 admisit doms. Will. Seward Cleric, ad Eccl. de Kynge- stone vacant, ad prsesentat. dni. Bartholoraei de Biidelsraere militis spectati, &c, Winchelseyf. 57 a.

1316. Robert de Staimford.

4 Id. Nov. A.D. 1316, institutus fuit Rob. de Stauuford, Subdiao. in person^ dmni. Nic. perpetui Vicarii de Chileham, in Eccl. de Kyngeston vacant, ad prsesent. dni. B. de Badlesmere, &c. Reynolds,/. 18 a.

1321. Bonoditus.

13 Kal. Aug. A.D. 1321, admissus fuit Bonoditus quondam Reyraund. de Coiiterone ad Eccl. de Kyngestone vacant, ad prsesent. dmni. Bartholomel de Badlesmere Militis, veri patroni (3) &c. Reynolds/. 28 b.

-1364. Hugh de Nottinghara.(4) See following entry.

1364. Edmund de Godwyneston.

5 Kalend. Junii A.D. 1364, apud Chevnyng admissus fuit Mag. Edm. de Godwyneston, Presb. ad. Eccl. Paroch. de Kyngeston Cant, dioec. per resignat. dni. Hug. de Nottyngham ult. Rect. ejusdem vacant, ad prsesent. dni. Rob. Typetot, Militis &c. Islip f. 304 a.

(1) This rector was instituted by Abp. Peckham. on the occasion of his first visit to Lyminge (" History of Lyminge Church," Canon Jenkins).

(2) W. Seward, subdeacon, R. of Kingston obtained (1313), a license of non- residence for 2 years, for the purpose of study. (Chapter Library, Canterbury, MS. Reg. Q.

(3) The entry in the Register, which continues to some length, states that Bonoditus, who was an acolyte and of the age of 27 years, w is instituted by proxy, his proctor, Panucius de Conteroni, Physician (Rector of Chevenyng, Hasted I. 367) undertaking to present him to the Archbishop within the year. Bonoditus was Rector here in 1328, obtaining in that year a similar license for non-residence as W. Seward. See preceding note. (Chapter Library MS., Reg. Q. f. 129),

(4) Hugo de Notingham was presented by the widow of Barthol. de Badlesmere to the Rectory of Stambridge Parva. Essex, in 1328, resigning it in 1333 (Neivcourt's Repertorium). Probably the same with this rector.


-1400. William Haddow.

Died A.D. 1400. See following entry.

1400-1414. Robert Wilcock. 0)

24 die Martii A.D. 1400, apud Cant. dmns. Rob. Wilcok CapeUanus admissus fuit ad EccU paroch. de Kingeston juxta Dover, Cant, i ioec. per mortem dni. Will. Haddow ultimi Rectnris ibidem vacant, ad presentat. Phil, de Despenser Militis, &c. Arundel f. 275 b.

Robert Wilcock exchanged in 1414 with Thomas Boteler, Vicar of Elham. He exchanged from Elham in 1424 with John Neel, Rector of Dunton, in the Diocese of London, but held that benefice for one year only.

(Chichele. 136 a. & Neweourt's Repertorium. )

1414. Thomas Bcteler.

4 die mensis Jan. A.D. 1414, apud Cant. dns. auctorizavit Permntationem inter dno". Robert. Wilkok rectorem Eccles. paroch. de Kyngeston ad pre- sentationem dni. Philip. Le Despencer veri &c.— Et Thomam Boteler Vicarium perpetuum Eccles. paroch. de Elham, CHnt. Dioec ad presenia- tionem Custodis et Scholarum Collegii sive Aulae de Meiton, Universi- tatis Oxoniensis, &c. Chichele f. 62.63.

Thomas Boteler, who was previously Vicar of St. Mary Haddelee, - in the Diocese of Rochester {Bp. Beaufort's Register of Insti- tutions, Lincoln), exchanged from there May 2, 1403, with Geoffrey Gleg, Rector of Stryxton, in the Diocese of Lincoln. From Stryxton he exchanged in the following August with John Appulton, Vicar of Elham (Arch. Cant, x 55). In 1414 he exchanged to Kingston, where he probably died.i^^)

1422. John Blackborn.

17 die mensis Novemb. A.D. 1422 apud Lambeth admisit dom. Johan. Blakborn Capellanum ad Eccl. paroch. de Kyngston Cant, dioec. vac«ntem ad prse' sentationem Philipp. le Despenser Militia veri. <fec. Chichele/. 136 b.

1450. George Hawys.

20 die Jan. A.D. 1450 apud Lambeth admissus fuit dnus. Georgius Hawys, capellanus ad Eccl. Paroch. de Kyngeston Cant. dice, vacant, ad prajsenta- tionem Rogeri Wentworth armigeri & Margeriae Coiisortis suae, &c. Staf- ford f. 107 b.

-U12. William Denby.

Died in 1472. See following entry.

1473-1479. William Newman.

29 die mensis Martii A.D. 1473 apud Knole dnus. admisit ad Eccl. Paroch. do Kyngeston, Cant, dioec, per mortem Will. Denby ult. recforis ibid. vac<iit. ad prsesentat. dmnce Margerise de Roos vera?, &c., dnm Will. Newman, &c. Bourchier f. 109 b.

(1) John Dygee, of Barbara, in the 4th year of Henry IV., granted to Robert Wylkok, Parson of Kyngston, his Manor of S wanton (in Liddeii). Hasted ill. 354.

(2) Parsons (" Monuments, &c., of Churches in Kent," 1794) in his account of this Church gives the following :— On a fragment of brass now lying in the parish chest.

Hie jacet Thomas Botiller C

Obiit xiio die Octobr. Anno Dni. Mill


1479. Thomas Barnby.

22 Octob. A.D. 1479 admissus fuit dns. Thos. Barnby ad Eccl. Paroch. de Kyngeston. Cant, dioec. per mortem Will. Newman ult. rectoris ibid, vacantem ad pisesent, Henrici Wentworth Militis veri, <fec. Bourchier t. 122 &.

1498-1538. William Chevenyng.

21 die Aug. A.D. 1498 dns. admisit Will. Chevenyng ad Eccl. de Kyngston, Cant, dioec. vac. ad presentat, dni. Henrici Wentworth MiliUs, <tc. Dean f. 165 h.

Died in 1538.(1) See following entry.

1538. William Allright.

(Louis More) (2)

19 die mpnsis Aug. A.D. 1538, apud Lambehith dns. admisit dnm. Will. Allright Capellanum ad Eccl. Haroch. de Kingat )n juxta Bourne, Cant, dioec, per mortem ult. Incurab. vacantem, ad quam per Thoraam Poiiiynges Militem ratione Advocationis ejusdem sibi per Nobilem virum dnm. 'I'homam Went- worth dnm. Wentworth concess., ac ei in ex parte facto ipsius Eccl. patron, dno. prsesentat. extitit, <fec. Cranmer f. 365 b.

17 die mensis Septenib. A.D. 15-<8 apnd Lambehith, dnus. admisit dnm. Lodovicuni ivlore clericum ad Ecc'. Paroch. de King-ton Cant, dioec. per mortem dmni Wi 1. Chevenyng ult. Incumb ibid vaomt. ad quam per Bogerum Wentworth Militem ratioue donationis et conce«sionis advoca- tionis dictse Ecclesise per Bichatd Wentworth arraig^-rum sibi concess. ipsius Eccles. patrouo du. presentat. extitit, &c. Cranmer f. 365 6.

Subsequent entries in the Register show that the dispute as to the patronage of the living was compromised by the resignation of Louis More (after a second Institution) in favour of W. Allright, the latter and his successors undertaking, out of the fruits of the living, to pay an annual pension of £5 to Louis More during his lifetime. W. Allright was Rector here in 1550 (See Visita- tions for that year, Chapter Library MS.)

-1554. Richard Barkiston.''3)

Died 1554. See following entry.

1554-1560. Robert Russell.

The Presentation of Robert Russell clerk, of Sherborne, Dorset, by Anthony Aucher, Kt. dated 11 Dec, 1554, is preserved in the Chapter Library at Canterbury. The living is declared vacant by the death of Richard Barkiston. The petition is addressed, ' sede vacante,' to Dean Nicholas Wotton. Robert Russell died 1560. See following entry.

1560-1569. John Butler, LL.B.

21 die mt-nsis Septemb. A.D. 1560 apud Lambeth dns. admisit Joh. Butler clericum ad Eccl. paroch. de Kiugstone jux'a Bourne Cant, dioec. per mortem Rob. Bussell Clerici ult. Kectoris ibid, vacantem ad prsesent.

(1) In his will (proved 1st Oct., 1538) he directs—" My body to be buryed within the Chauncel of the Chu'ch of St. Gyles, Kmgstone, where my stone doth lay." The tomb cannot be now identified.

(2) Lod More, cap. Rector of All Hallows the Wall, 2l8t Oct., 1515, resfg. 1532.^ (Newcourt's Repertorium, vol. 1, 257.)

(3) Ric. Barkiston was instituted to the Rectory of Sutton Vallance in 1519. '♦ First Fruits Compos. Bk "—Record OflQce.


Gilbert! Hyde generosi ipsiiis Eccl, ratione eju'^dera advocationis juris patronatiis ejusdem eidem Gilberto in hac parte facti per dominanj Auger &c. Parker f. 346 a.

John Butler held the Vicarage of Minster, Thanet, with this living till his death in 1569. He was Canon of Canterbury where he resided, (i^ In his Will he directs his body to be buried in the Chapter House * besyde Mr. Newton.' From the same source we learn that in addition to his other benefices he was Rector of Brandon-ferry in Suffolk and was Prebend of a Cathedral in Wales.


1569-1573. William King.

Ultimo die mensis feb. A.D. 1569 dns. adniiait Will, King clericum ad Eccl. paroch. de Kingston juxta bourne, Cant, dioec. per mortem Mag. Job. Butler cleiici ult. Incumb. ibid, vacaniera ad prajsentat. Will. Auger gHiierosi, veri &c. Parker f. 398 &.

William King resigned in 1573. See following entry.

1573-1600. John Hastlyn.

30 die Jan. A.D, 1573 dns. admisit Job. Hastlyn ad Eccl. paroch. de Kingston Ciut. dioec. per resign. Will. King ult. Rectoiis ibidem vacant, ad prseseutat. Will. Auger armigeri, vcri &c. Parker f. 97 6

John Hastlyn died Aug. 24, 1600, and is buried in the Chancel {Append. XV.). The burial of his first wife Alice,(=^) and the baptisms of his four children by Margaret, his second wife, are entered in the Registers. His Will is in the Probate Registry at Canterbury.

1600-1632. Daniel Nicols.W M.A.

8 die mensis Sept. A.D. 1600, Institutio Mag. Daniclis Nicols ad Eccl. paroch de Kingston C^nt. dioec. per mortem Job. HMselinge ult. Kectoris ibid vacant, ad prsesentationeni Afrse Patricke viduse &c. Whitgift. f. '^60.

Daniel Nicols was married, Dec 12 1603, at Eastry to Martha Hickes of Worth. 8 children, by this marriage, were baptised at Kingston. He died in 1632 and both himself and his wife are buried here, but no Stone remains to his memory. His Will and the Will of his brother. Rev. Matthew Nichols, who is also buried at Kingston, are in the Canterbury Probate Registry.

(1) It appears from a * Return of the Condition &c. of Parishes in the Diocese,' made by order of Abp. P-»rker in 1569, that Mr. Hunt was then resident curate at Kingston. According to the same Return, there were 26 houses in the parish and 102 Communicants.

(2) Possibly the same with William Kine vicar of A ppledore 1568-73, & Canon of Canterbury— who became afterwards Archd. of Northumberland, Canon of Windsor, &c.

(3) Parsons (" Monuments of Churches in Kent") in his account of this Church gives Round a ptw is the following inscription cut in the wood,

' Here lyeth Alls Haslyn ' ' Buried in this place Who made a virtuous end ' ' And only by Gods Grace '

'the 21st April 1537

(4) The condition of the Church furniture during this incumbtncy must have been deplorable. The following answer is given to Articles of enquiiy at the Archdeacon's Visitation in 1608. " We have an old rotten communion table with a carpit of buckeram ; we have boe pulpit clothe, neither cushion of silke."


1632-1639. Walter Balcanqual, D.D.

27 die mensis Novemb. A.D. 1632, Institutio Walter! Balcanquall, S. T. D. ad Rectoriam Ecd. Paroch. de Kingeston, Cant, dicec, per mortem Danielis Nicolles, cler. ultinf^i Incumbeutis ibidem vacaiitem ad prsesent. Anthonii Aucher de Bishopsborne in com. Cant. Militis, &c. Abbott f. 55.

A notice of the Life of this Rector is given in the Dictionary of National Biography. The son of a Presbyterian Divine of the same name, he was educated at the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated in 1609. He took his degree of B.D. at Cambridge in 1611 as a Fellow of Pembroke Hall, and was in- corporated at Oxford, July 16, 1617, in which year he was appointed Master of the Savoy by King James, who made him one of his Chaplains and sent him to represent the Church of Scotland at the Synod of Dort. His other subsequent prefer- ments bear date as follows : Rector of Adisham Kent, 1618. Dean of Rochester and Vicar of Goudhurst in 1624. Dean of Durham 1638, deprived 1642. He died at Chirke Castle, Denbighshire, Dec 25, 1645 {A2)pend. LI II.). He was married Sept 21, 1624 at Bishopsbourne Church to Elizabeth widow of Sir William Hammond Kt. of St. Albans, and daughter of Anthony Aucher Esqr. of Bishopsbourne by his wife Margaret, daughter of Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York.d^ All that is known of Dr. Balcanqual as an author is that he drew up * The Declaration of King Charles I. concerning the late tumults in Scotland ' (1639), and was the writer of Letters on the Synod of Dort, preserved in John Hates' Golden Remains ; he also published some sermons.

1639-164X Thomas Blechynden, D.D.

Instituted 5 March, 1639.^2) (Bk. of Institutions, Record Office.) It may be assumed that this is the Dr. Blechynden who was Vicar of Eastry and Prebendary of Canterbury. He was ejected from his Canonry in 1642, when he probably vacated this living. (3) The Prebendary was the eldest son of Humphry Blechynden of Aldington. Succeeding to the family estate in 1639 he resided there till his death in 1663 {Hasted III. 456^ By his wife Margaret he left a family of 2 sons and 4 daughters.

164X-1671. Nicholas Dingley.

This Rector was appointed in the time of the Commonwealth. His name tirst occurs in the Register Books in the entry of the Baptism of one of his children,(^4) Dec. 10th, 1648. On page 36 will be found his Nomination by the parishioners as " Register" —according to the Act passed in the Long Parliament. At the Restoration an attempt was made to eject him (See the

(1) Wood in his Athenoe Oxon. (Vol IL Fasti 87) mentions a daughter of Dr. Balcan* qual the wife of Sir Thos. Thynne of Longleat.

(2) The Institution is not quoted in Ducarel's Index at Lambeth.

(3) From the Return of the Churchwardens at a Visitation in 1640 the condition of the Church appears to be no better than it was thirty years before. (See note 4, p. x.) " Dr. Blechindiiis Chancel wants Tyling, and it doth rain in upon the Communion Table."

(4) 'I he different members of his family are mentioned in his will (f rebate RegSstry, Canterbury.) He there gives his instruction " my body to be buried at the upper end of the little chancel of Aldington Ch. at my most deare deceased fftither's foote there to sleep with my ancestors in a bed of dust with hopes to awHke unto everlnstmg life at the glorious appearing of my blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."

(4) 3 children were baptised here ; others are also named in his Will (Probate Registry, Canterbury).


appended note, also KenneU's Register and Chronicle p. 231). Mr Dingley however continued in possession of this benefice till his death. He was buried at Kingston Feb. 1st 1671. The Institution of Miles Barnes to the Rectory of Kingston Aug* 2nd 1660 on the presentation of Sir A. Aucher is entered in the "Bishop's Certificates" and " Liber Institut." at the Record Office, though he failed to displace Mr Dingley. He was probably resident in Kingston(i-' at the time. He was Rector of Lyminge 1634-1641, also of Brooke 1640-1661, and his name appears as Vicar of Tenterden in 1649. He was subsequently appoiated Vicar of Folkestone in 1667, but only held the living for 2 years. He died Sept 1, 1670 and was buried at Barham. (Append. LI V.J

1672-1681. Robert Aucher, M.A.

26 die mensis Jun. a.d. 1672 institutio Rob. Aucher ad Rector, de Kingston' Cant, dioec, per mort. Nic. Dingley vac. ad prsesentat. Frederic! Primrose, Sheldon/. 352.

Robert 3rd son of Sir A. Aucher, Kt. was born Jan 21st 1643 and baptised at Bishopsbourne. Matriculated at Queen's College, Oxford, June 10th, 1664 ; B.A. 1668 ; M.A. 1670. Shortly after his Institution to this Living the Archbishop granted him *' a licence to absent himself for 3 years from his Rectory and to reside in Oxford, in oi-der to the gaining of some more know- ledge in the study of Divinity. "(2) In 1676 he obtained a dispensation to receive and hold the Vicarage of Eastchurch with the Rectory of Kingston. He was, however, never in- stituted to Eastchurch, though he held the right of presenta- tion. C^) The date of his death and his place of burial have not been ascertained.

1681-1692. John Maximilian De L'Angle, D.D.

18 Jun. 1681, Instit. Maximilian De L' Angle ad Rect. de Kingeston, Cant. DicBC. per mortem Rob. Aucher vacant, ad prsesentat. Johnis. Stonyng, (fee. &c. Sancroftf. 397.

The son of Jean Maximilian De L'Angle a French Protestant Divine for 25 years Minister of the Reformed Church at Rouen. After his appointment to this living he obtained in 1684 a dis- pensation to hold with it the Vicarage of Sibertswold-with- Coldred, which however he exchanged two years afterwards for the Rectory of St. George's-with-St. Margaret's Canterbury. He vacated both benefices in 1692 and in 1695 was appointed to the Rectory of Chartham, where he remained till his death,

Ci) In the Marriage Licence of his daughter Ann to Bernard Gibbard dated June 23 1662 he is described " of Kingston, clerk." From his Will in the Probate Registry we learn that he died possessed of a house and lands in Kingston. He also left 20s. to the poor of each of the Parishes of Kingston, Barham, and Folkestone. A pedigree of the Barnes family given in Drake's new edition of Hasted's Kent (Hundred of Hlackheath, p. 160), shows the connection of Miles Barnes with the Wilsfords of Ileden in this parish, through his mother a daughter of Abp. .Sandys and his wife Cicely Wilsford. Another daughter of the Archbishop had married Anthony Aucher Esq. , of Bishopsbourne. The pedigree erroneously states that Miles Barnes was Rector of that parish.

(2) Act Books of the Archbishops, Vol. III., Lambeth. His father made an un- successful application in 1678 for a renewal of the licence for another 3 years— "the parish being well satisfyed with the Life and Doctrine of the Curate." Tovmer MS. 41, f. 83, Bodleian Library.

(•■5) Mr. Hatton Aucher as administrator of the goods of Rev. R. Aucher in July 1682 presented Rev. Anthony Woolrich to the Vicarage of Eastchurch vacant by the death of the last incumbent— Rev. Thos. White. Mr. White was instituted to East- church Feb. 16 1666. Arch. Cant. XIV. 381.


Nov. 24, 1724. (Append, LV.) Dr. De L' Angle was made a prebendary of Canterbury in 1671. His elder brother Samuel was prebendary of Westminster. (D

1692-1718. Gilbert Burroughs.

16 Dec. 1692 Instit. Gilbert! Burrough ad Rect. de Kingston Cant. Dioec. per cess. Joh. Maximilian de L' Angle vacant, ad praesentat. Edward Crayford &c. Tillotsonf. 150 b.

Gilbert Burroughs was appointed Second Master of the King's School Canterbury in 1689. In the following year he became curate of this parish, succeeding to the living on the resignation of Dr. De L' Angle in 1692. His first wife Mary, daughter of Rev. T. Seyliard rector of Deal, and three of her children are buried in the North Aisle of the Cathedral. (2) He married secondly, in 1712 Jane daughter of Tristram Stevens and shortly after resigned his mastership in the King's School, residing on his benefice the last few years of his life. (Append. XIV.)

1718-1769. Peter Innes, M.A.

24 Dec. 1718. Instit. Petri Innes ad Rect. de Kingston, Cant. Dioec, per mortem Gilb. Burroughs vacant, ad prsesentat. Elizabethae Peters viduoe. Wakef. 3040.

The son of the Rev. Gilbert Innes C3) and Susanna his wife daughter of John de la Pierre (or Peters) M.D., of the Black- friars Canterbury. Baptised at St. John's Margate 24 June, 1692. B.A. University College Oxford 1713, M.A. 1716. Mr Innes was chaplain to the Rt. Hon. Heneage, Earl of Aylesford. In 1740 he was appointed to the Vicarage of Burham near Rochester (4) which he held by dispensation with Kingston till his death. He married Mary daughter of Stephen and Catherine Nethersole who died in 1748 and was buried at Kingston. (Append. XVIII.) Soon after this time Mr Innes seems to have fallen into ill health, requiring the assistance of a curate and to have been for a time non-resident, (^i*) He returned how- ever to Kingston where he is buried— presumably by the side of of his wife, but no inscription remains to his memory.

1769-1806. John Nairn, M.A.

Mr. Nairn graduated at Peterhouse, Cambridge, B.A. 1750, M.A. 1764. Ordained Deacon 1750, Priest 1754, by the Bishop of Norwich. After holding the curacy of Great Mongehara he was appointed Perpetual Curate of Wingham in 1756. Five years later he was presented by the Bishop of Rochester to the Rectory of Stourmouth, and in 1769 he obtained a dispensation to hold with it the Rectory of Kingston on the presentation of the Rev. W. Dejovas Byrche and Elizabeth his wife. He resigned the incumbency of Wingham in 1771, but held his other two benefices till his death. Mr. Nairn was Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. George Lord Viscount Torrington. He married first, in 1760 Elizabeth * daughter of Dr. Hall, Physician of

(1) See the De L' Angle Pedigree by Mr Henry Wagner, F.S.A., Arch. Cant. XV., 31-33.

(2) Dart's Canterbury, and Hovenden's Cathedral Registers.

(3) Successively Vicar of Chislet, St. John's Margate, and Maidstone. Haslewood's Chislet, p. 92.

(4) Act Books of the Archbishops, Vol. VIII., Lambeth.

(5) " Parochial account of the Diocese by Archd. Head ", MS. 1138 Lambeth.

* Buried at Kingston. Append. XII.


Greenwich Hospital, and Elizabeth * his wife ; secondly in 1792 Ann * daughter of Rev. R. Jenkin, Rector of Westbere and his wife Catherine daughter of Rev. Ralph Blomer, D.D. Prebendary of Canterbury. He is buried in the Chancel of this Church. Append. XII.

1806-1816. Cooper Willyams, M.A. t

The son of John Willyams of Plaistow House, Essex, Com- mander R.N. (1) He graduated at Cambridge, Emm. Coll., B.A. 1784, M.A. 1789. While Vicar of Exning Suffolk he was appointed Chaplain of the "Boyne" under Lord St. Vincent in his campaign in the W. Indies in 1794, and subsequently Chaplain of the " Swiftsure," Capt. Ben. Hallowell, in the Mediterranean, being present at the Battle of the Mle. He published narratives of both expeditions illustrated by his own drawings. (2) Lord St. Vincent, to whom he was private Chap- lain, presented him afterwards to a living in Kent, which he exchanged for Stourmouth. At the same time his old friend and schoolfellow Sir Egerton Brydges appointed him to the Rectory of Kingston. ^-'^ Having obtained, like his predecessor, a dispensation to hold these two livings together, he was instituted to them both in June 1806. Mi" Willyams married Elizabeth daughter of Peter Snell, Esqre of Whitley Court, Gloucester ; two sons, by this marriage, were baptised at Kingston. Mr Willyams died July 17, 1816, and is buried in , Fulham Churchyard in the same vault with his sister. Append. III. tfc LVI.

1816-1852. Thomas Bartlett, M.A.t

The Son of Thomas Bartlett Esqre of Henley. ^4) gt Edm. Hall Oxford B.A. 1813, M.A. 1816. He was appointed in 1814 assistant minister of St John's Bedford Row London, under Rev. Dr. Wilson afterwards Bp. of Calcutta. In tihe following year he accepted a curacy at Beckenham, and on Aug 1st. 1812 was instituted to this Rectory on the presentation of Mrs Catherine Susannah Cowper and Miss Sarah Butler of Wan- tage.<5) While Rector of this parish he also held from 1828 to 1839 the Rectory of St. Mildred, Canterbury, though without any emolument. He was appointed in 1832 one of the Six Preachers of the Cathedral and was Domestic Chaplain to the Marquis of Cholmondeley 1828-1850. After an incumbency of 36 years at Kingston Abp. Sumner conferred on him the Rectory of Chevening. Here however he remained only two years, removing in 1854 to the living of Luton, Beds. 3 years later he was presented by the Rev. D. Barclay Bevan to the rectory of

* Buried at Kingston : Append. XII.

t For notes of Church Repair &c. during this incumbency see pp. 156-157.

Cl) His mother was. a granddaughter of Sir Edward Goodere Bart, of Burghope. In the preface to one of his books quoted in the following note, Mr Cooper Willyams claims descent from Edwin Sandys, Abp. of York.

C2) "An Accoimt of the Campaign in the West Indies in 1794." London 1796, 4to. •'A Voyage up the Mediterranean in H.M.S. Swiftsure with description of the Battle of the Nile Aug 1st 1798." London 1802, 4to.

(3) Sir Egerton Brydges in his Autobiography Vol. I. p. 44, refers to the presenta- tion and gives a personal account of this rector.

(4) A family of Norman origin, the same with Barthelot or Bartelott.

(5) Great nieces of Bp. Butler. Miss S. Butler buried at Kingston April 1st 1843, «t. 82.


Burton Latimer, Northants., which he resigned a few years before his death. Mr Bartlett was twice married. His first wife Catherine Sarah, daughter of Dr. Gilbert Oowper, was granddaughter of the Rev. Joseph Butler, Prebendary of St. Paul's London and Rector of St. Paul's Shadwell, a nephew of Bishop Butler. By this marriage he had several children, one of his sons Philip George succeeding him at Kingston. He married secondly Dec 8th, 1864 Lucinda Grace daughter of Rev. Henry Hoare, Vicar of Framfield, Sussex, who survived him. He died May 28th. 1872 and is buried in Burton Latimer Churchyard by the side of his first wife. See Append. LVII. Mr Bartlett was the author of a " Memoir of the Life, Character & Writings of Bishop Butler " also of an Index to the Analogy, and published various pamphlets and sermons. A notice of this Rector appears in the Diet, of National Biography.

1852-1861. Philip George Bartlett.

Son of the preceding Rector, baptised at Kingston Jan 18, 1820. He passed the Divinity Course at the Theo: Coll: Toronto in 1842, and was appointed Rector of St. George's Carry ingplace, Ontario in 1845. Returning to England he was appointed Curate in Charge of Rudstone, Yorks, in 1850, and succeeded to the Rectory of Kingston in March 1852. d) He exchanged in 1861 with the Rev. James Percy Croft, then Rector of Kirton, Suffolk. Mr Bartlett married Margaret Lucy daughter of Rev. Daniel Ferguson Rector of Walkington, Yorks. He continued Rector of Kirton till his death, though non-resident for some years previously through ill health. He died at Walkington Park, Beverley, March 19. 1876, and was buried at Carleton Forehoe, Norfolk, by the side of his wife who had died there in the previous year, while on a visit to their son the Rev. John E. P. Bartlett, who was at the time Rector of that parish. Append. LVII.

1861-1884. Percy James Croft, M.A. t

The second son of the Ven. James Croft (2) (Archdeacon of Canterbury and Rector of Saltwood) and Charlotte his wife, daughter of Charles Manners Sutton, Archbishop of Canter- bury. Educated at Eton and Trinity, Cambridge ; B. A. 1842, M.A. 1862. Ordained to the curacy of Saltwood 1843 ; curate of Tachbrooke, Wore. 1847. Vicar of Exning, Suffolk 1848, whence he removed in 1854 to the Rectory of Kirton in the same county. After holding that living for seven years he exchanged with the preceding Rector to Kingston (3) where he remained till his death in 1884. (A^ypend. XX.) Mr Croft was domestic Chaplain to the Duke of Northumberland. He married, first, Annabella Mary daughter of Rev. H. Torre of Syndale, Yorks, who died Jan 28th 1851. By his second wife Mary Ellen (dec. Sept. 13th 1869, Append. XX.), daughter of Rev. C. Greenall Davies, Vicar of Tewkesbury, he had a numerous family. Mr Croft married, thirdly, Amelia Anna, daughter of Rev. H. Todd, Rector of Occold, Suffolk, who is also buried at Kingston (Append. XXI.), surviving her husband barely two yeais.

t For notes of Church repair &c. during this incumbency see pp. 157, 158.

(1) On the presentation of Queen Victoria, " by reason of the Lunacy of the true Patron." Bk. of Inductions, Diocesan Registry,

(2) Eldest son of Rev. Nic. Croft, Canon of York. See pedigree of Croft of' Aldborough Hall & Stillington Hall, Yorks. Burke's "Landed Gentry."

(3) On the presentation of Josiah lies Wathen of Micklehani Surrey, patron for this turn. Bk. of Inductions, Diocesan Registry. Inducted Sept. 7th, 1861,


1884. Christopher Hales Wilkie, M.A. t

3rd son of E. C. Hales Wilkie Esqre of Ellington, St, Laurence, Thanet, and Mary his wife, daughter of Thomas Wood Esqve of Chislet Court, d) Exeter Coll. Oxford, B.A. 1862, M.A. 1866. Wells Theo. Coll. 1863. Curate of Glemham, Suffolk, 1864-66 ; St. Margaret's Rochester 1866-67 ; Cranbrook, Kent, 1867-70 ; Sunning-hill 1870-71 ; St. Peter's Thanet 1871-74 ; in charge of Edburton Sussex 1874-77. Presented by Arch- bishop Tait to the Rectory of Edburton 1877. Instituted''^) to the Rectory of Kingston Sept. 23cl 1884. Married 1875 Melian Augusta daughter of F. Pembroke Jones Esqre and Emma his wife, daughter of William Delmar Esqr J.I*. & D.L. for Kent, of the Elms Canterbury.

CURATES. 1498. Richard Bole.cs) 1567. John Wylcock.C4) 1569; Hunt. (5) 1633-36. James Shipton, M.A.(6) 1636-42. Michael HufFam. 1679-82. Robert Garrett, M.A.c?) 1687-89. Simon D'Evereux, M.A.(8) 1690-92. Gilbert Burroughs.^^^ 1 750-56. Bryan Faussett, M. A .^o^ 1756-63. William Barrett. 1764-65. Hopkins Fox, B.D.dD 1765-67. William Taswell, M.A.^i^)

t For notes of Church repair during this incumbency, see p. 158.

(1) For pedigrees of Wood and Wilkie see Hanlewood's Chislet, p. 172. Pedigree of Hales— BurA;?'« " Extinct Baronetcies," (Hales of Coventry) ; also " Miscell. Geneal. & Herald." New Series Vol. 1 pp. 69-71 (1874).

(2) On the presentation of Mrs Mary Wilkie of Ellington.

(3) Archd. Visit. Chapter Library.

(4) Signs the transcripts this year. Married at Kingston (p. 86).

(5) See the first footnote on page x.

(6) Curate of Adisham, 1636. Married Jeane d. of Rev. W. Master, D.D. Preb. of Canterbury. Vicar of Patrixbourne 1659, St. Peter's Thanet 1662 till his death in 1665.

(7) Rector of Wootton 1680. Died there 1712, set. 70.

(8) Minor Canon of Canterbury. Rector of HarbledowTi and Perpetual Curate of Nackington for more than 40 years. Vicar of Brookland 1731 and died there 1733.

(9) Rector of Kingston 1692.

(10) Chichele Fellow of All Souls Oxford. Vicar of Alberbury Salop 1748-50. Rector of Monks Horton 1765, Perpetual Curate of Nackington 1767. The Journal of his excavations on Kingston Downs &c. published by Roach Smith under the title of ' Inventorium Sepulchrale.' Died at Nackington 1776. See Diet, National Biography.

'11) Son of Hopkins Fox of Nackington. King's School Canterbury, and Trinity Cambridge (Fellow). Vicar of Linstead 1767, Ruckinge 1780.

(12) Minor Canon of Canterbury, Vicar of Brookland Rainham 1772, Aylsham,

Norfolk, 1777.




P^i?ISHE OF KINGESTONE IN KENT 1558. Anno Primo Regni Regine Elizabethe.



1558. 9 daye was baptized Richard Browninge sonne

of Jeames Browninge Anno supra,

28 daye was baptized Richard Argill sonne

of George Argill Anno supra.


I daye was baptized Egidius Wealls sonne of Roger Wealls anno supra.

6 daye was baptized Katherine Packers anno supra.


I daye was baptized Katherine Stonedaers daughter of Robert Stonedares anno supra.

January e.

4 daye were baptized Agnis and Mercie gryme daughters of Thomas Gryme anno supra.

29 daye was baptized Thomas Trewe sonne of

William Trewe Anno Supra.

30 daye of January was baptized Katherine I'urner

daughter of Richard Turner anno supra.

August 1559.

1559. 4 daye was baptized Peeter Horton sonne

of Sampson Horton Anno supra.


2 daye was baptized Katharine Cole daughter of Nicholas Cole Anno Supra.

19 daye was baptized Mathew Boulton sonne of John Boulton Anno supra.

June 1560.

1560. 29 daye was baptized Mary Davie Daughter

of Richard Davie Anno Supra.

July. 24 daye was baptized Vincent Younge sonne of Thomas Younge Anno Supra.


20 daye was baptized .... wallys daughter

of Roger Wallys. Anno Supra.

October 1561.

1 56 1. 26 daye was baptized John Moyse sonne of

Richard Moyse Anno Supra.


I daye was baptized Elizabeth Turner

daughter of Richard Turner 2inno supra.

ROBBE. BASSOCKE * \ r\...^rA^.«^r.A^r^a

JOHN HOPKYN 1 Churchwardens.

Marche 1561.

1 56 1. 21 daye was baptized Alice Baker daughter

of Michaell Baker Anno Supra.

Aprell 1562.

1562. 5 daye was baptized Simon Grime sonne

of Thomas Gryme Anno Supra.

Septembr. 6 daye was baptised Mary Rugley ^.nno sup.

2 1 daye was baptised William Sturdye diuno sup.

* The signatures of the Churchwardens for the year 1 598, when all existing Registers were ordered to be transcribed from paper to parchment books. These names appear at the foot of each page of the Register Book up to that date, certifying the correctness of the copy.

November. 5 daye was baptized Alice Affeild 2inno supra.

October 1563.

1563. 6 day was baptized Elizabethe Gould daughter

of Thomas Gould Anno Supra.


25 daye was baptized John Horton sonne of Sampson Horton Anno Supra. Itm was baptized Joane Argor daughter of George Argor Anno Supra.

Idem die was baptized Margery Argor

daughter of George Argor 2,nno supra.

Marche. , 18 daye was baptized Anthonye Packer z.nno supra,

Aprell 1564.

1564. 15 daye was baptized Vincent Silke 2inno supra.

Maye. 23 daye was baptized Annes Younge dLtino sup^a.

June. 2 1 daye was baptized Alice Gansine a««<? sup^«.

Marche. 4 daye was baptized Richard Rugley dLtino sup^«.

Aprell 1565.

1565. 2 daye was baptized Thomas Johnson 2Lnno supra, 7 daye was baptized John Groome z.nno sup?'^.

June. 3 daye was baptized Luke Boultane d^nno sup^-a.


16 daye was baptized Anna Arger daughter of George Arger Anno Supra.

January. 19 daye was baptized william Nethersole 2inno supra.


3 daye was baptized Marye Feckar daughter of Roger Peckar Anno supra.

Septembr. 1566.

1566.* 15(1) daye was baptized Mathew Browninge sonne of John Browninge Anno Supra.


5*^2^ daye was baptized WilUam Groome sonne of WilUam Groome anno supra.

January. 1566.

1566. i;*^^^ daye was baptized Edward Bradshawe sonne

of Grygorye Bradshaw 2,nno supra eod. die^*^ was baptized Robert Rugley 2.nno supra the sonne of John Rugleye.

( )'"

Maye 1567.

1567. 18 daye was baptized WiUiam Younge sonne

to Thomas Younge Anno Supra.


18 daye was baptized Christofer Packer sonne of Roger Packer Anno Supra.

* The foot notes within inverted commas that follow are extracts from the Transcripts in the Diocesan Registry, showing where any variation occurs or where they furnish additional particulars, and, occa- sionally, entries which are not found in the Register Book itself. These Transcripts (Archdeacon's) commence in 1566, and are continuous with the exception of a hiatus of 20 years, 1640 1661, at the time of the Commonwealth. From 1603 down to the beginning of the present century the Transcripts are in duplicate, a yearly return being required by the Archbishop also from that date. The two series are referred to as {a) and {b) respectively in the foot notes.

(1) "23 Aug." {a) (2) «7 Jan." (a). ® " 17 Sept." (a).

w "eodem die." (17th Sept), (a).

(5) j>7 March Joannis Bolt«« hlius qui de Joannis Boult^;/." (a) Not in the Register.

June 1568.

1568. 29 daye was baptized Peter Hollowaye sonne

of John Hollowaye Anno supra.


22 daye was baptized Nicholas Browninge sonne

of John Browninge Anno Supra.


12 daye was baptized William Sayer sonne

of Jeames Sayer Anno Supra.

26 daye was baptized Thomas Blackewood sonne of William Blackewood Anno Supra.


2 daye was baptized Henry Bradshawe sonne of Grigory Bradshawe Anno Supra.

August 1569.

1569. 7 daye was baptized Thomas Sherman sonne

of Robert Sherman anno Supra,


13 daye was baptized Ehnor Harffeild daughter

of Thomas Haffeild anno supra.


13 daye was baptized John Bownes sonne of John Bownes anno supra.

20 daye was baptized Annis Rugly daughter of John Rugley anno Supra.


9 daye was baptized Marye Gookin daughter of John Gookine anno Supra.

18 daye was baptized John Robins sonne of John Robins anno Supra.

23 daye was baptized Thomas Perye sonne

of John Perrye anno Supra.

August 1570.

1570. 28 daye was baptized Christyan Browninge

daughter of John Browninge 2inno supra.


26 daye was baptized William Bradshawe sonne of Grigorie Bradshawe anno supra.


24 daye was baptized Christofer Sayer sonne of James Sayer anno supra.


John Hopkyns j

Marche 1570.

1570. 7 daye was baptized John Vittell sonne

of William Vittell Anno Supra.

November 1571.

157 1. 4 daye was baptized Affra Robins daughter

of John Robins anno Supra.


21 daye was baptized Isacke Rugley sonne of John Rugley anno Supra.


5 daye was baptized James Sherman sonne of Roberte Sherman anno Supra.

July 1572.

1572. 13 daye was baptized Isabell Haddinge daughter

of Jefferye Haddinge anno Supra


10 daye was baptized Thomas Hopkin sonne of John Hopkin anno Supra.


I daye was baptized Martha Bradshaw daughter of Grigory Bradshaw anno Supra.

26 daye was baptized Joane Boykines daughter of Elyas Boykines Anno Supra.



4 daye was baptized Alice Haule daughter of Thomas Haule Anno Supra. <